We just wanted to hop in and let everyone know what's happening over here in bunny land. Requests for bunnies has now closed, and we want to thank everyone who submitted bunnies to help keep this contest afloat!
We are slowly getting submissions in and you can find all the ones that have been validated over in our C2 - go check them out! Who knows, you might even find a bunny that *you* submitted!
A REMINDER: If you submitted a bunny, please do not "out" yourself as the owner of said bunny until after the contest is complete. Thanks!
For all of you brave souls who requested a bunny, we will be accepting submissions until midnight on 7/31 - you have 5 days to get them in...so...Jump on it!
Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions. You can either email us at plotbunnycontest@gmail.com or PM us on our fanfic profile!
Yogagal, SorceressCirce & Il-Bel-Mondo